Constable’s Automotive Repair Specialist Ltd (C.A.R.S Ltd) Customer and Suppliers
Who We Are
C.A.R.S Ltd is a family run garage which was registered with Company House in November 2017 (Company Number – 11061319) and as such is a ‘data controller’, under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 2016. This means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use personal details for our customers and suppliers.
We are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our customers and suppliers and are not in the business of selling, renting or trading any form of personal details. Any request of details for business purposes will only be passed on after consent has been received by the owner. This Privacy Notice provides details of why information is collected and how it is collated and stored. If at any stage during your time as a customer or a supplier of C.A.R.S Ltd, you have concerns that the information is not being protected as stated in this notice then please contact – Julie Constable (Bookkeeper) at C.A.R.S Ltd – 01206 578671
Data Protection Principles
We will comply with data protection law. This states that the personal information we hold about you must be:
Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way
Collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not used in any
way that is incompatible with those purposes
Relevant to the purposes we have told you about and limited to those purposes
Accurate and kept up to date
Kept only as long as necessary for the purposes we have told you about
Kept securely
Destroyed when requested or when required (whichever is the sooner)
Types of Data Collected
1. Customers – Personal Details
Customers will be asked for personal details such as name, address, contact telephone number, make, model and vehicle registration on their first visit to C.A.R.S Ltd. This information is stored on our invoicing database and backed up on a daily basis. This information will then be used to produce subsequent invoices. It will be checked at this time to ensure that it is correct, up to date and to ensure that the customer is still happy for C.A.R.S Ltd to hold and use this information as described. The computer where data is stored is secured by an username and password which is changed on a regular basis.
2. Customers - Storage of information
For accounting purposed personal details are transferred to our online system, which is username and password protected and stored on a secure ‘cloud’ server. Copies of customers invoices arestored in a locked cabinet for the financial year where upon they are stored until accountancy rules allows us to destroy them. (at least 6 years)
3. Customers – Banking Details
Customers requesting to pay via debit or credit cards can do so, using our ‘Handepay’ machine,situated in our front reception area. We hold a PCI DSS Compliance Certificate with EVO payments for this machine which is renewed yearly.
4. Suppliers – Company Diligence
All new suppliers will be asked to provide evidence of their Company. This maybe in the form of company registration numbers, VAT number, headed paper, website details and if required bank details.
5. Suppliers – Storage of information
Purchase order details will be transferred to our online accountancy system, which is usernameand password protected and stored on a secure ‘cloud’ server. Copies of purchase orders arestored in a locked cabinet for the financial year where upon they are stored until accountancy rules allows us to destroy them. (at least 6 years)
6. Suppliers – Banking Details
Suppliers banking details are only required for payments. They will be entered onto our banking system for either direct debit or BACs payments and will be covered by the banks security and Data Protection policies. If further information is required please contact -
Julie Constable (Bookkeeper) at C.A.R.S Ltd – 01206 578671
7. General Electronic Data
Website and Twitter Cookies – Our website and twitter accounts do use cookies. However, no information that is collected by these cookies are used in anyway by C.A.R.S Ltd.
Google Analysis – C.A.R.S Ltd do not have or use a Google analysis account.
Facebook Analysis – Information from Facebook Analysis is readily available for all administrators of Facebook pages. However, this is not personal data and is only used to monitor usage on the page.
Guest Wifi – C.A.R.S Ltd does not have a guest Wifi, but customers may use the Company Wifi on request. This Wifi is secure but customers use it at their own risk. No data will be collected or stored from this usage.
Access to your Personal Information
You are entitle to access your personal information by request to Julie Constable (Bookkeeper) at C.A.R.S Ltd – 01206 578671
Changes in Privacy Notice
Privacy Notice will be reviewed in compliance with GDPR, annually or sooner if required. It follows guidance from the General Data Protection Regulations of 2016, which replaces the Data Protection Act of 1998.
Where to find this Policy Notice
As well as this electronic version, a printed copy can be obtained on request from Julie Constable (Bookkeeper) at C.A.R.S Ltd.